Introducing Digital auscultation tools for healthcare professionals


Wired Digital Stethoscope

  • Record and Share
  • Upto 40x audio enhancement
  • Playback speed upto 0.5x
  • In App noise cancellation
  • In App heart and lung filter
  • Visualization of sound
  • Report Generation

AyuSynk 2+

Wireless digital stethoscope

  • All features of AyuLynk
  • In Device Noise cancellation
  • In Device Heart and Lung Filter

AyuSynk 2Pro

Wireless digital stethoscope for Telemedicine application

  • All features of AyuSynk 2+
  • Realtime Transmission of sound
  • SDK support
  • 1 year Ayu-RealTime software access

Book FREE Demo

Discover how we can revolutionize your experience!

40x audio




Record and Share


In Device

Noise cancellation




speed 0.5x

Double tap

to change filters

real time auscultation


Watch the following video to understand our device

Deal sealed with sharks!

The Ayu Device Stethoscope caught the attention of the investors on Shark Tank . We sealed the deal as judges were thoroughly impressed with the innovative features and cutting-edge technology of our stethoscope, recognizing its potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry.

Get in touch

asked questions

Many heart and lung sounds that are difficult to hear due to various difficult reasons can be avoided. As it provides amplification along with noise reduction.

Maximum 10 feet distance range you can have Bluetooth connectivity and sometimes it varies depending on mobile/PC Bluetooth capacity.

Yes, inside the kit you are provided with connecting tubes which you can use to connect your own binaural.

Once you connect your Digital stethoscope with ayushare app you can find the battery status in the homepage.

Yes. We provide an SDK or API upon request. You can contact us through our mobile number or email address provided on the website.

Book FREE Demo